Speakers Terms and Conditions

This document details the RSG Stockholm organising team’s expectations of speakers at the conference (speakers and workshop facilitators will be referred to as ‘speakers’ throughout this document). Please get in touch with us at rsgstockholmteam@gmail.com, should you have any concerns or questions relating to this document.

General code of conduct

Regional Scrum Gathering™️ Stockholm 2024 is a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion (or lack thereof). All speakers are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct.

Speakers Compensation

RSG Stockholm organising team is pleased to offer the following compensation for an accepted session:

  • 2 nights hotel stay for one speaker

  • Free conference ticket for one speaker

If you have any questions, please contact rsgstockholmteam@gmail.com.

Community Involvement

Our speakers are an important part of our community. As such, we hope the speakers will attend and participate, as much as possible, during the 2-day conference.

During Workshops or Talks

  • By agreeing to speak at the Regional Scrum Gathering™️ Stockholm 2024, speakers consent to have a volunteer introduce them to the audience and to ensure that the session remains on schedule. This includes the use of visual cues to indicate progress against the scheduled end time, and bringing the session to a close if the speaker does not do so timeously. We want to host a conference where all speakers respect each other and the audience, allowing us to run on schedule.

  • It is expected that the talk or workshop remains aligned to the content and structure as submitted in the proposal, and accepted onto the program. We request that as a speaker, you pay careful attention to this as conference attendees make selections for talks they would like to attend based on the information submitted and published. Extended sales-pitches disguised as sessions are not welcome.

  • Speakers shall not engage in any acts or communications which disparage or defame Scrum Alliance, its affiliates, or other event sponsors, or engage in any actions or communications for the purpose of promoting or supporting a competitor of Scrum Alliance.

  • If a speaker would like us to share their slides with our community following the conference, we require the slides within two working days from the last day of the conference.

  • RSG Stockholm organising team may choose to record the images, film and sound of your talk to distribute during or after the event.


While we have taken every precaution to ensure that the Gathering will continue as planned, in the event that Regional Scrum Gathering™️ Stockholm needs to be cancelled due to any unforeseen circumstances, all speakers will be notified immediately.